You Can Live a Happy, Healthy Life

The Power Lies Within You

Welcome To Brain Rehab Clinic's

Virtual Tour ! 

Dr. John Hatch, Chiropractic Physician, Board Certified Functional Neurologist, DC, DACNB, FABBIR : 

Now that you have your initial appointment set up we know you probably have a lot of questions about what is going to happen next. Fortunately, we have you covered!

Below, you will find that Dr. Hatch answers many frequently asked questions. He will also review the diagnostic testing and the importance of retesting as well as the therapies we provide here at the clinic.

Now that you have your initial appointment set up we know you probably have a lot of questions about what is going to happen next. Fortunately, we have you covered!

Below, you will find that Dr. Hatch answers many frequently asked questions. He will also review the diagnostic testing and the importance of retesting as well as the therapies we provide here at the clinic.


Cognuro LOOK : 

For this test, a VNG headset will be placed on you, completely covering your eyes. There will be a screen that will show different images while recording your eye movements. There will be several different portions of this test such as complete darkness, a circle moving up and down smoothly, stripes moving up and down the screen, and more. You will have an assistant with you the whole time giving you direction and letting you know what to expect to see on the screen. When you meet with the doctor, he will watch the videos of your eye movements with you and will point out to you which dysfunction he can see in your brain based on the movement of your eyes.  

Cognuro LOOK may be redone each time you come to Brain Rehab Clinic before you see the doctor, depending on your specific findings. 


Cognuro STAND:

In this diagnostic test, you are asked to balance on a platform while wearing noise-cancelling headphones. You will be asked to balance with your eyes open, closed, and with your head turned in various ways. Don’t worry - an assistant will be right behind you to make sure you don’t fall backward. When the doctor looks through the test results with you, he will be looking for your center of pressure and to see which directions you tend to lean. Basically, he is trying to see if your brain knows where your body is in space. Not knowing where you are in space can lead to a lot of problems, including anxiety. This is a great test to see the function of your cerebellum.

The Cognuro STAND test may be repeated each time you come to Brain Rehab Clinic before you see the doctor depending on your findings.


Cognuro TAP: 

For this test, you will be given a tablet with an application that will test your timing and rhythm by having you tap a circle on the screen to the beat of a metronome. Your score will be determined on how well you stayed on the beat: on time, too early, or too late. You'll do this first with one hand, then again with the other hand, and finally will both hands alternating between each beat. An assistant will be with you the whole time giving you direction and letting you know what to expect. When you meet with the doctor, he will review the test scores with you to determine what your "ideal processing speed" for rehabbing your brain will be based on the results.

Cognuro TAP may be redone each time you come to Brain Rehab Clinic before you see the doctor, depending on your specific findings.


Neuro Sensorimotor Integrator (NSI):   

During this test, an assistant will have you stand or sit squarely in front of the touch-screen monitor and touch the moving visual targets that will appear on the screen. This technology measures your hand speed and accuracy. This gives the doctor important information regarding the function of your hand-eye coordination, visual motor reaction time, and central-peripheral integration. Next, you will touch the visual target in connection with an auditory signal which will give the doctor insight regarding your visual-auditory integration.

The doctor will go through your results with you as you meet with him and will explain all the findings to you. You may repeat this test each time you come to the Brain Rehab Clinic, depending on your findings. 


Cognivue Test :  

Cognivue® is an FDA-approved computerized test. It objectively and reliably identifies changes in cognitive function that could be indicative of an impairment that you may optimally treat or manage. 

Cognivue is an adjunctive tool for evaluating cognitive function. It is not a stand-alone diagnostic tool. Unlike cognitive testing done using paper and pencils, Cognivue® is based on neurophysiology and psychophysical research that dynamically tests cortical function.

During this test, an assistant will have you sit squarely in front of the Cognivue® monitor and the program will run you through a series of tests. This technology can test and measure every level of your brain’s executive function.


NSI Therapy: 

For this therapy you will stand or sit squarely in front of the touch-screen monitor and touch the moving visual targets as they appear on the screen. An assistant will be with you the whole time to make sure it is being done correctly. The NSI has many different units used for different dysfunctions. Here at Brain Rehab Clinic, we predominantly use the "Hand-Eye" and “Metronome” functions. The hand-eye procedure is useful in therapy for patients to enhance hand-eye coordination, visual reaction time, visual motor reaction time, and central-peripheral integration. The metronome function helps all patients to enhance rhythm and timing and visual-auditory integration.


GyroStim Therapy: 

We are so excited to announce that the GyroStim has arrived in our office! This is the first and only GyroStim in the state of Utah! 

The GyroStim is a unique piece of equipment in which you sit down comfortably while the multi-axis rotating chair moves in somersault and spinning motions. There are many levels with the GyroStim and they start out slow and steady. 

The benefits of the GyroStim are widespread and have been proven to help with “post-concussion syndrome, cerebral palsy, autism, developmental disabilities, PTSD, Parkinson’s disease, MS, stroke, and many other neurological conditions” (“GyroStim,” 2018). 

GyroStim is also used to help athletes reach their full potential as it helps with “decisiveness, situational awareness, mental acuity, and reaction time.” Additionally, it helps with balance and other issues associated with dizziness or instability (“GyroStim,” 2018). Many athletes have tried the GyroStim and experienced benefits. 

The Doctor will determine if the GyroStim would be helpful in your case after meeting with you and seeing your test results. The doctor will also determine how many sessions of GyroStim therapy would be most helpful for you and your particular case.


RPSS Therapy: 

Repetitive Peripheral Somatosensory Stimulation (RPSS) is the most common therapy prescribed here at Brain Rehab Clinic. The RPSS uses low-dose electrical stimulation to activate the nervous system. The RPSS stimulates cranial nerves, which are nerves that connect directly to the brain and make lasting changes in the brain.

If the doctor decides RPSS is right for you, you will do it each time you come to the Brain Rehab Clinic. We usually try to get 2-4 rounds of RPSS done each time you come in. Each round will consist of an assistant stimulating certain nerves on your head, neck, and/or limbs. In between each round of treatments, you may be doing other therapies or retesting. Many patients are stuck in a state of fight or flight and RPSS helps retrain the brain so that it can function in a state of rest and digest.


ShedLight Laser Therapy: 

Cold Laser Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is a form of energy that your cells use to function properly. Cells have the capacity to absorb light energy in part of the mitochondria and cell membrane. The mitochondria take in nutrients, break them down, and then create energy rich molecules for the cell. As the

cell absorbs the light energy produced during cold laser therapy it can enhance the production of ATP. Increased ATP helps the cell return to functioning normally. By increasing the efficiency of this response at a cellular level, cold laser therapy can be used to help patients absorb nutrients, excrete toxins, repair cell tissue and accelerate healing.


Consultations with Doctor :

Once you have completed all of the testing you will meet with Dr. Hatch. He will review your findings with you. Dr. Hatch will create a custom treatment plan designed for your specific brain imbalances that will improve its function. Most patients come out of this appointment with tears in their eyes and say they finally have the answers they have been looking for.


Our Doctors are truly experts with DIFFICULT Diagnosis'. 

Insurance does not cover what we do. Our patients pay with their Health Savings Account cards or they pay in cash. Our Doctors look at conditions from a brain function perspective. Patients come and do a week-long intensive to start. The first day we do the diagnostic testing and once that is done our Doctors come up with a treatment plan. Every plan is widely different. But a safe average is $2,500.00 to $6,000.00. The variables are the type and amount of in-house therapy you will need, the number of follow-up visits you need with a Doctor, and then also the amount of time that the Doctor spends with you for those follow-up visits.  

Check Out James Lawrence The Iron Cowboy's Brain Rehab Story...

What we do at Brain Rehab Clinic:

A neuron needs three things to survive: oxygen, glucose, and stimulation. Stimulation is important for neuronal health. MIT neuroscientists have found that increased neuronal stimulation can lead to increased connections in the brain, which is one of the key components of neural plasticity. Additionally, the stimulation of neurons promotes the production of protein, which keeps cells healthy and functional. A healthy neuron has a negative transmembrane potential due to the intracellular protein levels and ion ratios. The neuronal elements that are responsible for healthy neuron function include sodium, potassium, chloride, and calcium ions. Neuronal excitation leads to mitochondrial activation and the development of intracellular proteins. A healthy neuron has many intracellular proteins, sufficient mitochondria for ATP (usable energy) production, and sufficient protein metabolic machinery for substance production, repair, and other activities. 

When neurons are not stimulated, they become unhealthy, which is partially due to the decrease in intracellular protein production. When a neuron lacks stimulation, its mitochondrial machinery is reduced, which leads to less intracellular protein, less ATP production, and decreased internal negativity. These changes bring the neuron closer to the threshold, which increases the ease of exciting the neuron, but the neuron lacks the endurance to meet the demand.

Neuronal health is strongly dependent on stimulation, which is dependent upon a healthy balance of transmitter substances such as acetylcholine, GABA, serotonin, and dopamine. 

In addition to a neuron’s need for stimulation and healthy levels of neurotransmitters, it also requires a steady supply of energy, which is usually supplied through glucose. In fact, the brain uses 20-25% of the body’s entire glucose load. A lack of constant and stable glucose delivery leads to neuronal degeneration.

Lastly, neurons need a constant supply of oxygen to maintain healthy mitochondrial machinery. Severe deprivation of oxygen leads to brain injury and death. Mild losses of oxygen also can potentially promote unhealthy neuronal function. For example, this has been observed in anemic patients. They are less able to circulate oxygen-rich blood through their bodies, and it is very common to observe systemically low metabolic activity and brain endurance.


By utilizing the applications of functional neurology, we address three basic fundamental activities present and necessary in all neurons. These activities include:

#1. Adequate gaseous exchange, namely oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange. This includes blood flow and anoxic and ischemic conditions that may arise from inadequate blood supply.

#2. Adequate nutritional supply including glucose, and a variety of necessary cofactors and essential compounds.

#3. Adequate and appropriate stimulation in the form of neurological communication, including both inhibition and activation of neurons via synaptic activation. Synaptic activation of a neuron results in the stimulation and production of immediate early genes and second messengers within the neuron. This stimulates the DNA transcription of appropriate genes and the eventual production of necessary cellular components such as proteins and neurotransmitters. In other words, we help restore the brain to proper function by providing neuronal stimulation, nutritional support, and needed oxygen. 

At the Brain Rehab Clinic, we strongly believe in neuroplasticity. It is possible to strengthen effective pathways, weaken destructive pathways, and even build new neural pathways, connections, and networks within the brain. We utilize several different technological methods (described below) to better understand the baseline of how your brain is functioning now, and to indirectly measure how your brain changes as you progress through treatment. In short, we believe that these methods can help show the neuroplasticity of your brain in action as you progress through therapy. 

Check Out Emma's Story...

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Before You Go... 


In this Talking Wellness TV Interview Dr. Hatch chats with Host Holly Love from Talk 365 TV

(which airs M-F @ 5am & 1am on CW30) about Functional Neurology & The Developing Brain: 

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In this one Dr. Hatch & Holly talk about Functional Neurology & The Aging Brain: 

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Want More Into?...  


Check out this Extended TV Interview & Video Podcast Segment where Dr. Hatch reviews Talk 365 TV's Host Holly Love's test results & how with them, he can now explain her symptoms and offer a treatment plan for her which was two things prior to this point, no other doctors where able to do for her.

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